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Privacy Policy

Your Home Financial LLC
26615 Center Ridge Rd, Unit 4
Westlake, OH 44145

Privacy Policy

(Protection of the Privacy of Personal Non-Public Information)


User Privacy

Information the Companies Collect

Your Home Financial, LLC, and its subsidiaries (each individually, “Company” or, collectively, the “Companies”) may collect certain types of information from you, such as information you voluntarily provide via forms, surveys, applications, etc. when you visit the Companies’ sites. The Companies may also collect information about you from your online browsing and transactions, including your preferences, pages visited, technical information regarding your computer and operating systems, such as your Internet Protocol (IP) address, domain name and system configuration and settings.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are pieces of information stored directly on the computer you are using. The Companies, or any of the Companies’ third-party advertising service providers, may place cookies or similar files on your hard drive for security purposes, to facilitate site navigation and to personalize your experience while visiting the Companies’ sites. Cookies allow the Companies to collect technical and navigational information, such as browser type, time spent on its respective site and pages visited. Cookies allow the Companies to select which of its advertisements or offers are most likely to appeal to you and display them while you are on the Companies’ websites. The Companies may also use cookies in online advertising to track consumer responses to the Companies’ advertisements and may use cookies or other files to track your use of other websites. Cookies and other technologies provide the Companies the capability to monitor the use of the Companies’ websites so the Companies can continually improve the design and functionality to better serve you. Cookies and similar files do not contain or capture unencrypted personally identifiable data.

If you do not accept these cookies, you may experience some inconvenience in your use of some online options. You also may not receive advertising or other offers from the Companies that are relevant to your interests and needs. The Companies use web-browsing cookies to display information more effectively to you and to gather data about the usage of the Companies’ websites.

At times, the Companies may use other technologies to capture customer specific data to help understand how customers use the Companies’ sites and to assist us with resolving customers' questions regarding the use of the Companies’ sites.


The Companies advertise on pages within the Companies’ websites as well as on other websites not affiliated with the Companies. The Companies contract with other companies to advertise to you through the use of cookies and web beacons.

Information collected through cookies and web beacons includes the number of people who look at each of the pages on the Companies’ websites, search engine referrals, browsing patterns within the Companies’ websites, and responses to advertisements and promotions on the Companies’ websites. Information collected may also include other trends and activity on the Companies’ websites, basic information about whether you have visited the sites before, your Internet connection and computer settings, such as your browser, your IP address and your time zone.

From time to time, consumers will experience 'Pop Ups' from other companies while visiting the Companies’ sites. Pop Ups are generated by 'Adware' placed on your computer when other sites have been visited. The Companies do not participate in the use of Adware.

Advertising on the Companies’ websites

The Companies advertise their respective products and services, on pages within the Companies’ websites. These advertisements may take the form of banner ad, and other formats.

Advertising on other websites

The Companies contract advertising with other companies to advertise the Companies’ accounts and services on websites not affiliated with the Companies. If you click on one of the Companies’ ads, you link to the particular Company website that offers the advertised service. These ads may contain cookies that allow tracking of your response to the Company’s advertisements. These cookies do not identify you personally. The Companies prohibit any company that places the Companies’ ads from using this information for any purpose other than to assist the Companies in measuring the effectiveness of the Companies’ ads.

How the Companies use and share information

Unless otherwise described in this policy, the Companies will use and share any information that the Companies collect from or about you that is covered by this policy in accordance with the Customer Privacy Policy below.

The Companies may also share aggregated or anonymous data about the Companies’ customers and visitors to the Companies’ websites with advertising service providers and with companies that help the Companies understand how you use the Companies’ websites.

Linking to other sites

The Companies may provide links to other companies, such as credit bureaus or merchants. If you choose to link to websites not controlled by the Companies, the Companies are not responsible for the privacy or security of these sites, including the accuracy, completeness, reliability or suitability of their information. If you are asked to provide information on one of these websites, you are strongly urged to carefully study their privacy policies before sharing your information.

Looking out for children

The Companies do not knowingly market to or solicit information from children under 13 without parental consent. The Companies recognize that protecting children's identities and privacy online is important, and that the responsibility to do so rests with both the online industry and with parents. While the Companies work to protect your personal information, you also have responsibility.

Internet safety for children. The Internet is a public network. Children's access to the Internet can allow them to visit inappropriate websites and be exposed to unwanted risks. COPPA, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, protects children under the age of 13 from the online collection of personal information. Learn more about COPPA on the Federal Trade Commission's website. Parents can be proactive by installing filtering software that gives them more control over their family's Internet experience.

The Companies recommend that minors 13 years of age or older ask their parents for permission before sending any information about themselves to anyone over the Internet.

Customer Privacy

Respecting and protecting customer privacy is vital to each Company’s business. By explaining the Company’s Customer Privacy Policy to you, the Company trusts that you will better understand how it keeps customer information private and secure while using it to serve you better. Keeping customer information secure is a top priority, and the Company is disclosing the Customer Privacy Policy to help you understand how it handles the personal information about you that the Company collects and discloses. This notice explains how you can limit the Company’s disclosure of personal information about you. The provisions of this notice will apply to former customers as well as current customers unless otherwise stated.

The Customer Privacy Policy explains the Following:

  • Protecting the confidentiality of customer information.
  • Who is covered by the Customer Privacy Policy.
  • How information is gathered.
  • The types of information that is shared, why, and with whom.
  • Opting Out - how to instruct a Company not to share certain information about you or not to contact you.

Protecting the Confidentiality of Customer Information:

The Company takes its responsibility to protect the privacy and confidentiality of customer information very seriously. Each Company maintains physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal standards to store and secure information about you from unauthorized access, alteration, and destruction. The Company’s control policies, for example, authorize access to customer information only by individuals who need access to do their work.

From time to time, the Company may enter into agreements with other companies to provide services to the Company or make products and services available to you. Under these agreements, the companies may receive information about you but they must safeguard this information, and they may not use it for any other purposes.

Who is Covered by the Customer Privacy Policy:

Each Company provides its Customer Privacy Policy to customers when they conduct business with the Company. If changes are made to the Customer Privacy Policy to permit the Company to share additional information it has about you, as described below, or to permit disclosures to additional types of parties, you will be notified in advance. This Customer Privacy Policy applies to consumers who are current customers or former customers.

How the Company Gathers Information:

As part of providing you with financial products or services, the Company may obtain information about you from the following sources:

  • Application, forms, and other information that you provide to the Company, whether in writing, in person, by telephone, electronically, or by any other means. This information may include your name, address, employment information, income, and credit references;
  • Your transaction with the Company, its affiliates, or others. This information may include your account balances, payment history, and account usage;
  • Consumer reporting agencies. This information may include account information and information about your credit worthiness;
  • Public sources. This information may include real estate records, employment records, telephone numbers, etc.

Information the Company Shares:

The Company may disclose information it has about you as permitted by law. The Company is required to or the Company may provide information about you to third-parties without your consent, as permitted by law, such as:

  • To regulatory authorities and law enforcement officials.
  • To protect against or prevent actual or potential fraud, unauthorized, claims, or other liability.
  • To report account activity to credit bureaus.
  • To consumer reporting agencies.
  • To respond to a subpoena or actual sale, merger, or transfer of all or a portion of a business or an operating unit, etc.
  • In connection with a proposed or actual sale, merger, or transfer of all or a portion of a business or an operating unit, etc.

In addition, the Company may provide information about you to its service providers to help the Company perform marketing services. This information provided to these service providers may include the categories of information described above under "How the Company Gathers Information" limited to only that which the Company deems appropriate for these service providers to carry out their functions and enable the Company to market to you.

This policy is subject to change.