Important Mortgage Mail, Junk Mail, and Scams to Look Out for After Buying a New Home
Could buying a home mean more junk mail? Short Answer: Maybe.
Is your mailbox filling up with junk mail? Chances are that you’ve likely landed here because you recently bought a new home or refinanced your current home. Or maybe you’re looking to gain a deeper understanding of the ins and outs of the mortgage process, including how to make smart mortgage decisions before applying, the do’s and don’ts between the application and closing, and what to expect after (hence, more mail post-closing). Either way, we’ve got you covered. Let’s get you up to speed on why homeowners should expect an uptick in mail after closing on a new home loan, including more mortgage mail, junk mail, and potential scams.
Expect More Mail With Your New Mortgage
If you’ve recently purchased a mortgage, you may now be a target for companies who use the data for marketing to gain more business. Some of the increased mail may come from companies related to homeownership or mortgages, like a flood insurance or homeowners insurance company seeking new clients. Other mail may be from local businesses looking to sell products or services related to your home, like landscaping or pressure washing. Some may be promotions unrelated to homeownership at all, like a restaurant coupon or community event. Filtering through a cluttered mailbox isn’t always ideal, but the good news is that it’s relatively normal for homeowners, especially homeowners at a new address. And sometimes, the extra mail winds up being beneficial or an exposure to more fun in your life!
Note: Not all junk mail is harmless, and there are mortgage scams to look out for that we’ll cover in more detail below.
Why You’re Receiving More Mail After Closing
First and foremost, know that lenders have various safety precautions and protections in place to protect customers and their personal information. However, after you close on a house and the deed is recorded, it’s important to understand that some of the details about the purchase become public record. Public information includes your name, the names of any other borrowers listed on your mortgage, the property address, the lender, the loan amount, and even the loan number. Because home transactions become public record, this is one of the ways various companies, marketers, and unfortunately, scammers and fraudsters, find personal information about you.
Be Aware of Mortgage Scams Post Closing
Because details about you and your home purchase become accessible as public information, fraud is something to not take lightly. Fraudsters may pose as financial institutions, mortgage servicers, settlement agencies, and more mortgage-related parties. If you receive mail that you weren’t anticipating, call your lender and/or servicer immediately. Do not take action on suspicious mail or share additional information even if the enclosed information or request in the mail appears to be legitimate. When reviewing mail, especially after a home purchase or mortgage transaction, always err on the side of caution and speak to professionals.
How to Stop Receiving More Junk Mail
Depending on the type of mail, offers, or requests you’re receiving, there are ways to reduce the overall junk in your mailbox.
- Put a stop to credit card, insurance, and pre-qualification offers by using the website recommended by major credit bureaus, like Equifax and Experian. Opt out here. Note: They will request personal information and confirm your identity, but rest assured knowing that it’s standard to disclose those details in this instance.
- To get less mail from marketers, you could register at the Direct Marketing Association’s (DMA) consumer website. Here, you can select the specific mail you’d like to receive, including magzines, various offers, and more. This way, you eliminate a large portion of the mail you don’t wish to receive.
The Bottom Line
While not everyone who closes on a mortgage loan receives an overwhelming amount of junk mail, it is common for homeowners to experience an overall increase post-closing. To avoid an overflowing mailbox, you have the option to opt out and minimize the junk. Keep an eye out for suspicious mail and remember to contact your mortgage servicer and trusted financial institutions to verify the validity of any questionable mail.